Towa Amane (Arthur Pencilgon)

Towa Amane (Arthur Pencilgon) Shangri-La Frontier

Towa Amane (Arthur Pencilgon) Shangri-La Frontier Porn Hentai Anime Rule34 Sex Xxx. Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su Porn Hentai Anime Rule34 Sex Xxx NSFW Ecchi Lewd Nude Manga Comics Fanart Pictures Images. シャングリラ・フロンティア~クソゲーハンター、神ゲーに挑まんとす~ R-18. Shangri-La Frontier: Crappy Game Hunter Challenges God-Tier Game, Shanfro Hentai. Sunraku (サンラク / 陽務 楽郎), Psyger-0 (サイガ-0 / 斎賀 玲), Arthur Pencilgon (アーサー・ペンシルゴン / 天音 永遠), Emul (エムル), Oicazzo (オイカッツォ / 魚臣 慧), Psyger-100 (サイガ-100), Orcelott (オルスロット), Animalia (アニマリア), Faeria (フェアリア), Mana Iwamaki (岩巻 真奈), Mia (ミーア), Rage (レイジ), Viceash (ヴァイスアッシュ).

The #2 member of the Ashura-kai, a fanatical PK guild that hunts other players. Arthur specializes in strategy and information warfare, and has the nickname “No-Lifer Slayer (Giant-Killer)” because she specializes in fighting stronger opponents. Arthur fought both Sunraku and Oicazzo in other games, and has been a rival and fellow gaming comrade ever since. She’s hunting a certain unique monster.
