Sentai Daishikkaku
Sentai Daishikkaku Hentai Anime Porn Sex Xxx. 戦隊大失格 R-18 Rule34 Lewd Nude Ecchi NSFW. Go! Go! Loser Ranger! Ranger Reject. Sentouin D (戦闘員D), Kanon Hisui (翡翠 かのん), Yumeko Suzukiri (錫切 夢子), Chidori (千歳), Angel Usukubo (薄久保 天使), Sousei Akabane (赤刎 創星), Hibiki Sakurama (桜間 日々輝), Ranmaru Koguma (小熊 蘭丸), Pink Keeper Sesera Sakurama (桜間 世々良), Tsukasa Shippou (七宝 司), Tsukasa Shippou (七宝 司), Shun Tokita (朱鷺田 隼), Komachi Aizome (藍染 小町), Renren Akebayashi (明林 恋蓮), Shougo Aoshima (青嶋 庄吾), Soujirou Ishikawa (石川 宗次郎), Shinya Kiritani (黄理谷 真夜), Yamato Kurusu (来栖 大和), Masurao Nadeshiko (撫子 益荒男), Sentouin XX (戦闘員XX), Kai Shion (獅音 海), Eigen Urabe (浦部 永玄), Angelica Yukino (雪野 アンジェリカ).
Anime Synopsis
Thirteen years ago, the Nefarious Monster Army invaded Earth, but humanity’s great protectors, the Dragon Keepers, defeated them in a single year! Every Sunday since, the monsters have been forced to act out humiliating defeat after defeat in front of the unsuspecting public. Determined to change this, a single monster, D, infiltrated the Ranger Force. With the help of the mysterious Ranger, Yumeko Suzukiri, D managed to seize one of the divine artifacts—the only weapons capable of permanently killing the monsters’ immortal bodies! However, D’s subsequent encounter with the Dragon Keepers led to his unfortunate end, so who will stop them now…?