My Tiny Senpai

My Tiny Senpai Hentai

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“My senpai from work… is tiny and cute.”

Shinozaki is an office worker who is taken care of and coddled by his senior team member Shiori Katase: a gorgeous, profoundly kind, loving, and diminutive woman.

Shinozaki certainly hopes that she’s not doing it out of duty… but her joy of doing so increasingly exposes her feelings!

Shiori Katase (片瀬 詩織里), Chihiro Akina (秋那 千尋), Chinatsu Hayakawa (早川 千夏), Takuma Shinozaki (篠崎 拓馬), Yutaka Shinozaki (篠崎 豊), Yuusuke Yamagishi (山岸 裕介), Aiko Yamagishi (山岸 愛子). Shiori Katase Hentai, Shiori Katase Porn, Shiori Katase Rule34.
